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57 Surprising Uses for Baking Soda Exploring the Versatity of this Household Staple

2023-08-02 08:48:17养生作者:商小白来源:https://www.xahot.net/阅读

57 Surprising Uses for Baking Soda: Exploring the Versatility of this Household Staple

57 Surprising Uses for Baking Soda Exploring the Versatity of this Household Staple

Baking soda is a white, powdery substance that is commonly used in baking as a leavening agent. But did you know that baking soda has many other uses besides baking? In fact, baking soda is a versatile household staple that can be used for a variety of purposes. Here are 57 surprising uses for baking soda:

In the Kitchen

  1. Clean your coffee maker by running a mixture of baking soda and water through it.
  2. Remove stains from plastic containers by soaking them in a mixture of baking soda and water.
  3. Remove odors from your refrigerator by placing an open box of baking soda on one of the shelves.
  4. Clean your oven by mixing baking soda and water to form a paste. Spread the paste on the inside of your oven and let it sit overnight. Wipe away the paste the next day.
  5. Clean your cutting board by sprinkling baking soda on it, rubbing it in with a wet sponge, and rinsing it off with water.
  6. Remove grease from pots and pans by scrubbing them with baking soda and a wet sponge.
  7. Whiten your teeth by brushing them with baking soda and water.

Around the House

  1. Deodorize your carpets by sprinkling baking soda on them, letting it sit for a few hours, and vacuuming it up.
  2. Unclog a sink by pouring baking soda down the drain, followed by vinegar. Let it sit for a few minutes, then flush it out with hot water.
  3. Remove crayon marks from walls by scrubbing them with baking soda and a damp sponge.
  4. Clean your toilet by sprinkling baking soda in the bowl, scrubbing it with a toilet brush, and flushing it.
  5. Deodorize your shoes by sprinkling baking soda in them and letting it sit overnight. Shake out the baking soda in the morning.
  6. Clean your shower curtain by soaking it in a mixture of baking soda and water.
  7. Polish silverware by mixing baking soda and water to form a paste. Rub the paste onto your silverware with a soft cloth, rinse it off with water, and dry it with a clean cloth.

In Personal Care

  1. Exfoliate your skin by mixing baking soda and water to form a paste. Rub the paste onto your skin in a circular motion, then rinse it off with water.
  2. Relieve sunburn by mixing baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste to your sunburned skin and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off with water.
  3. Relieve insect bites by making a paste of baking soda and water and applying it to the affected area.
  4. Use baking soda as a natural deodorant by applying it to your underarms with a damp sponge.
  5. Remove buildup from hair by mixing baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste to your hair, let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it out with water.
  6. Clean your makeup brushes by mixing baking soda and water to form a paste. Rub the paste onto your brushes, rinse them off with water, and let them air dry.

These are just a few of the many uses for baking soda. Whether you need it for cooking or cleaning, personal care or pest control, baking soda is a versatile and affordable household staple that you can always count on.

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